
The cow is one of God's greatest creations. She has the ability to walk the range, foraging on foodstuff not suitable for human consumption. In turn she takes this unpalatable roughage and transforms it into mouth watering beef and a great source of protein. In order to do this efficiently it takes a cow with a wide sprung rib depth and easy fleshing. We have selected these types of cows for generations and feel their type and conformation will be suitable for any environment. If we maintain and propagate balance in our females all other traits will fall into place. Disposition, fertility, milk production, and marbling all come together when maintaining this balance. When balance is disrupted, dollars are lost and the joy of raising cattle becomes labor intensive. We don’t try to breed for the most outstanding numbers, because at some point all extremes will turn into a losing battle.
Not only do we need to be concerned about pounds of production per year but also pounds of production for the lifetime of the cow. Far too many cows have a shortened lifespan because they did not have the balance of maternal and production to maintain longevity. This longevity is proven by our many “Dams of Distinction.”
WANT MORE INFORMATION? Thank you for visiting our site and learning more about our program. If we can assist you with learning more about our Charolais and Red Angus cattle please contact Clifford and Judy Raile at railebeef@gmail.com, Colton Raile at railecolton@gmail.com or Tyler Raile at raileranch@gmail.com.